Healthy and Safe Food

Keeping farm animals healthy

Antibiotics and Resistance

Healthy and safe food

Hormones, livestock, and meat

Pesticide residues

GMOs, plant breeding and genetic engineering
Safe, quality food choices are something most Canadians don’t have to think about very often. The shelves in grocery stores and farmer’s markets are rarely empty, and we don’t have to worry about whether what we’re eating is safe.
That’s because there are regulations and safety systems throughout the Canadian food chain, and ultimately, safe food starts on the farm, with farmers.
In this section, you can read more about healthy and safe food in Canada. From traceability, to GMOs, to livestock antibiotic use and resistance, to hormones, livestock and meat, to raw milk, to pesticides and the “dirty dozen”, you will find resources here to help answer your questions about the health and safety of Canadian food.